AUX Air Conditioners - Manuals

To view the AUX Air Conditioners manuals, please select the desired model from the list below or use the search. Once on the model's page, wait for the manuals to load.

Manuals: 56

Model Name

Select the first character of the model name



  • AUX Inverter ASW-H07A4/FP-R1DI / AS-H07A4/FP-R1DI AUX Inverter ASW-H07A4/FP-R1DI / AS-H07A4/FP-R1DI
  • AUX Inverter ASW-H09A4/FP-R1DI / AS-H09A4/FP-R1DI AUX Inverter ASW-H09A4/FP-R1DI / AS-H09A4/FP-R1DI